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Saturday, January 5, 2013


Welcome to my new blog for stitch witches!

As I go along, I will  publish my designs and pictures of my work. I will post links to my favourite stitching gals and encourage any new interest in the craft. I will post clips of how to do several stitches and techniques.

I find here in the US a serious lack of interest in embroidery and would like to encourage greater interest in this wonderful craft!

I teach basic stitches, stumpwork (3D), ribbon work, gold work, bead work, hand quilting and some needle lace. I had very talented teachers in South Africa and they have flourishing businesses there. Please check out Di van Niekerk's website, as well as Hazel Blomkamp's website,

Also on this blog, I would like everyone to share comments, ideas and interests. I would like to eventually expand this blog to other needle crafts, from sewing, thru knitting, crochet to teddy bear making. I do a lot of knitting and crochet as well and am about to embark on teaching myself to tat!

Lets have some fun!